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BME reasearch group participated at CONSOIL 2010 Conference

Vaszita, Emese

ConSoil is Europe´s largest conference on management of soil, groundwater and sediment. Organizers are the UFZ (Germany) and Deltares (The Netherlands).

The 11th International UFZ- Deltares/TNO Conference on Management of Soil, Groundwater and Sediment (ConSoil 2010) took place in Salzburg Congress, Austria, September 21-24.

This conference brought together parties from all aspects of the environmental cleanup community to exchange ideas and experiences on the management of soil, groundwater, and sediment.

Themes for the conference included: restoration, new functions of the subsurface; sustainable management of land use and the subsurface; and management of contamination at regional scale.

The Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology group of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Environmental Biotechnology and Food Science, Hungary participated at ConSoil by giving one oral presentation (Speaker: Katalin Gruiz) about utilisation of waste on soil and presenting in the poster session. 7 posters. The oral presentation and the posters can be viewed in the attachments. Please find below the list of the titles of the presented  oral presentation and posters.

Oral presentation:

1. Katalin Gruiz, Viktória Feigl, Emese Vaszita, Orsolya Klebercz, Éva Újaczky and Ágota Atkári: An integrated approach for the utilization of waste on soil – Innovative management and technologies


2. Viktória Feigl, Katalin Gruiz, Attila Anton: Combined chemical and phytostabilisation of an acidic mine waste – Long-term field experiment

3. Orsolya Klebercz, Katalin Gruiz, Viktória Feigl, Attila Anton: Introducing the Project SOILUTIL

4. Mária Tolner, Emese Vaszita and Katalin Gruiz: On-site screening and monitoring of pollution by a field-portable x-ray fluorescence measuring device

5. Vaszita, Emese and Gruiz, Katalin: Scoring based Risk Assessment in an abandoned base metal sulphide mining area

6. Csilla Hajdu, Katalin Gruiz, Monika Molnar and Zsuzsanna Bertalan: Evaluation and interpretation of toxicity: 4-chlorophenol equivalent for organic contaminants

7. Zsuzsanna Magdolna Nagy, Katalin Gruiz, Mónika Molnár and Éva Fenyvesi: Biodegradation in 4-chlorophenol contaminated soil

8. Mónika Molnár, Éva Fenyvesi, Norbert Lantos, Zsófia Fehér and Katalin Gruiz: Innovative remediation of groundwater contaminated by chlorinated hydrocarbons

Attached images